
Open Letter to new HÍ Rector re Disability Support

Hópur starfsfólks og nemenda við HÍ skrifar

An open letter to HÍ's newly appointed rector, Silja Bára R. Ómarsdóttir, signed by disabled HÍ students and staff, and those who agree with them:

We, the undersigned, are calling on the new University of Iceland rector to create and staff a dedicated, multidisciplinary, disability support office in the University of Iceland, in line with best practice in all universities.

This needs to be done as soon as possible, and in consultation with the people who need the service. We ask for an update on plans for this to be published within the current academic semester.

It is past time that disabled people in Iceland can come out of the shadows and claim their right to access university education and employment.


  • Kathy D'Arcy - autistic postdoctoral researcher in creative writing and disability studies, HÍ
  • Ole Martin Sandberg - neurodivergent postdoctoral researcher in philosophy, HÍ
  • Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir - autistic MA student in Gender Studies, HÍ.
  • Law Hsen Ahmad - Autistic BS Psychology Student, 1st Year, HÍ
  • Martyna Karolina Daniel - autistic project manager of equity and community engagement at the Reykjavik City Library
  • Guðni Hávarður Guðnason - BA student in Philosophy, HÍ
  • Katrín Pálma Þorgerðardóttir, phd student in philosophy, HÍ
  • Armando Garcia, neurodivergent and amputee MA student in Anthropology, HÍ
  • Nanna Hlín Halldórsdóttir, chronically ill research specialist at the Centre of Ethics, HÍ
  • Inga Björk Margrétar Bjarnadóttir, disabled adjunct and PhD student at the University of Iceland
  • Linda Sólveigar- og Guðmunds - neuroqueer postdoctoral researcher, HÍ
  • Íris Ellenberger, associate professor in Social Studies, HÍ
  • Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir Kolka, adjunct and PhD student at the School of education, HÍ
  • Rannveig Ágústa Guðjónsdóttir, adjunct and PhD student at the School of education HÍ
  • Elín Pjetursdóttir, doktorsnemi í heimspeki / phd student in philosophy, HÍ
  • Emma Rivard Henriot, chronically ill PhD student in Philosophy, HÍ
  • Flora Tietgen, adjunct and PhD student at the School of Education, HÍ
  • Marion Poilvez, neurodivergent PhD student in literature, former stundakennari, HÍ
  • Sigurrós Alice Svöfudóttir, chronically ill PhD student in applied ethics, HÍ
  • Freyja Haraldsdóttir, disabled PhD student, School of Education, University of Iceland
  • Juan Camilo Roman Estrada, Intercultural officer of the University of Iceland
  • Hrafnhildur Snæfríðar- og Gunnarsdóttir, postdoctoral researcher, HÍ
  • Snæfríður Þóra Egilson, prófessor í fötlunarfræði
  • Meritxell R. de la Torre, PhD student in Comparative Literature and lecturer, HÍ
  • Auður Magndís Auðardóttir, assistant professor of childhood, youth and education studies, University of Iceland
  • Luke Field, postdoctoral fellow, Faculty of Political Science, University of Iceland


Sjá meira
