
Björn Þor­steins­son as Rector - A visionary leader uniting disciplines and driving innovation

Marianne Elisabeth Klinke skrifar

The final days before the University of Iceland elects its new rector are fast approaching. Next week, staff members and students will have the opportunity to cast their votes for their preferred candidate. As for me, I know exactly where my vote will go—Björn Þorsteinsson. Here are just a few of the many reasons why.

Björn has been a guiding force throughout my academic journey. We first crossed paths when I was a master’s student, and he later became a co-supervisor on my Ph.D. project. Today, we collaborate as peers—me as a professor of nursing, him in philosophy. Having worked closely with him, I can confidently say that Björn has always championed interdisciplinary collaboration, creating space for diverse perspectives to shape both research and teaching. Our work—bridging philosophy and nursing—is just one example of how he fosters dialogue across disciplines to drive innovation and progress. When Björn sets a goal, he pursues it with determination and delivers tangible results. His ability to unite fields and individuals has helped cultivate an academic community where inclusivity is more than a value, it’s a practice! As a mentor Björn has been instrumental in shaping my academic and professional journey. His support goes beyond just academic guidance – he empowers individuals to think critically, pursue their goals and contribute meaningfully to their fields. His dedication to professional (and personal) development has inspired me and many others to reach our full potential. His leadership as a dean would help the university to nurture future forward thinking academic leaders.

As I have experienced through my collaboration with Björn he is leader with clear vision for the future of the University of Iceland. He is capable of balancing tradition with innovation and pushing the boundaries of thought and practice - ensuring that academic excellence thrives while also having the ambition to ensure optimal conditions for faculty. This is important for the university to remain a hub for cutting edge research and intellectual development.

Höfundur er prófessor á hjúkrunar- og ljósmóðurfræðideild, Háskóla Íslands.


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