A storm brewing. Winds of change? Ian McDonald skrifar 16. október 2023 08:00 Early last week, Icelanders were battening down the hatches in the face of a brutal windstorm which lasted three days and nights without cease. Meteorologists were baffled by this, until they realized that the winds were actually caused by the simultaneous gales of laughter and sighs of relief from 400,000 people who just learned that Bjarni Bendiktsson was resigning from the position of finance minister after a decade of nepotism, scandals and quite astouding corruption. For a glorious moment, it seemed that there might actually be some measure of comeuppance for a man who, until now, had seemed bulletproof from any meaningful consequences to his actions. To those of us who had spent 6 weeks last summer protesting the illegal sale of Íslandsbanki, and demanding the resignation of the finance minister, for one brief shining moment it felt like victory. Unfortunately, as the saying goes “if you don’t like the weather in Iceland, just wait 5 minutes.” This proved to be all to pertinent as the winds seemed to shift again in favor of the finance minister. Yet again Bjarni Benediktsson showed that there is no lack shame or brazenness to which he will not stoop. The bottom of the barrel in fact can be scraped through. And scrape he did. Rather than take the hint and step out of the limelight quietly, taking the winnings from sale of Íslandsbanki with him, Bjarni decided that in fact there were still corrupt mountains left to conquer, and these particular peaks were overseas. Speaking as a British national, I have lived through my fair share of corrupt and inept politicians who ride the Ferris wheel of cabinet positions, jumping around from positions of unimaginable responsibility and power without the slightest iota of relevant knowledge or experience of their field. ….I lived through Boris Johnson. Healthcare, finance, education, foreign affairs. Qualifications? Doesn’t matter. As long as you toe the party line. And if you fail, we will just have a cabinet reshuffle and put you in charge of an entirely different aspect of public life! And around and around they go….where they stop, nobody knows. I am now saddened and angry to see that pattern repeating itself in Iceland, and in such a brazen way. Without any sort of approval from the public who they are ostensibly meant to serve, we are now stuck with a foreign minister whose only relevant experience of overseas work was when he was busy setting up offshore companies to avoid paying taxes. I worry that Iceland is slipping towards (and perhaps is already there) the sort of failed state of politics that I see when I look back at my native Britain, where lobbyists and corporate interests have long since seized the levers of power from the people, and as a result, the country has been chopped up and sold to the highest bidder. I worry what a man like Bjarni Benediktsson, who has made no secret of his desire to privatize every aspect of Icelandic society he can get his hands on, will do with the freedom of access to any world leader he desires to connect with. He could very quickly turn the country I love and call home into a global-scale yard sale. Everything must go. I have long since stopped asking if it wouldn’t make more sense to perhaps have a nurse in charge of healthcare, or a teacher in charge of education. Unfortunately that is nothing but a pipe-dream. I have lowered my sights a little now. Can we not just have a politician who did not illegally sell a bank to his father? It doesn’t seem much to ask. Perhaps I will ask Santa Claus. The author is a manufacturing worker. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Mest lesið Halldór 11.01.2025 Rafn Ágúst Ragnarsson Halldór Vegna greinar Snorra Mássonar Guðmundur Andri Thorsson Skoðun Viljum við að erlendir milljarðamæringar setji einhliða leikreglurnar í almannarýminu okkar? Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir Skoðun Val Vigdísar Skúli Ólafsson Skoðun Ertu á krossgötum? Þuríður Santos Stefánsdóttir Skoðun Hlýnun jarðar mun ekki valda heimsendi Sæunn Kjartansdóttir Skoðun Árið 1975 er að banka Rakel Linda Kristjánsdóttir Skoðun Evrópusambandið eða nasismi Snorri Másson Skoðun Hefjum aðildarviðræður við Bandaríkin Einar Jóhannes Guðnason Skoðun Vísvita villandi fréttaflutningur Morgunblaðsins? Sigurjón Þórðarson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Hér er kona, um konu… Vilborg Gunnarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Vegna greinar Snorra Mássonar Guðmundur Andri Thorsson skrifar Skoðun Ertu á krossgötum? Þuríður Santos Stefánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Vísvita villandi fréttaflutningur Morgunblaðsins? Sigurjón Þórðarson skrifar Skoðun Hafa fyrrum æskunnar eftirlætisbörn og nú ellinnar olnbogabörn fengið nóg? Gunnar Ármannsson skrifar Skoðun Máttur kaffibollans Ásta Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Kennarar segja: „Nóg komið!“ – Verkfall fyrir virðingu og verðskulduð réttindi Jónas Sen skrifar Skoðun Hefjum aðildarviðræður við Bandaríkin Einar Jóhannes Guðnason skrifar Skoðun Eru tengsl milli Úkraínustríðsins og breyttrar stöðu Grænlands? Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson skrifar Skoðun Árið 1975 er að banka Rakel Linda Kristjánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Viljum við að erlendir milljarðamæringar setji einhliða leikreglurnar í almannarýminu okkar? Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir skrifar Skoðun Val Vigdísar Skúli Ólafsson skrifar Skoðun Friður á jörðu Þröstur Friðfinnsson skrifar Skoðun Af hverju eru kennarar að fara í verkfall? Anton Már Gylfason skrifar Skoðun Opið bréf til Íslandspósts ohf. Gróa Jóhannsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Gaza getur ekki beðið lengur Hjálmtýr Heiðdal,Magnús Magnússon skrifar Skoðun Ísland yrði betra með aðild að Evrópusambandinu Jón Frímann Jónsson skrifar Skoðun SVEIT – Kastið inn handklæðinu Aðalsteinn Árni Baldursson skrifar Skoðun Skjáfíkn - vísindi eða trú? Ásdís Bergþórsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Evrópusambandið eða nasismi Snorri Másson skrifar Skoðun Friður eða svikalogn? Hilmari Þór Hilmarssyni, prófessor, svarað Andri Þorvarðarson skrifar Skoðun Hlýnun jarðar mun ekki valda heimsendi Sæunn Kjartansdóttir skrifar Skoðun Listin að styðja en ekki stýra Árni Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Með vægi í samræmi við það Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Hugvíkkandi efni: Forvitni umfram dómhörku Bergsveinn Ólafsson skrifar Skoðun Velferðartækni er það lykillinn að sjálfbærara heilbrigðiskerfi? Helga Dagný Sigurjónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hindrum fleiri græn gímöld með einföldun regluverks Ásta Logadóttir,Trausti Björgvinsson skrifar Skoðun Vegna FB færslu Kristins Hrafnssonar: Misskilningur um endurgreiðslukerfi kvikmynda Ólafur William Hand skrifar Skoðun Hvernig tölum við um mat í kringum börnin okkar? Berglind Lilja Guðlaugsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Fangelsismál - Sparnaður og endurhæfing Ólafur Ágúst Hraundal skrifar Sjá meira
Early last week, Icelanders were battening down the hatches in the face of a brutal windstorm which lasted three days and nights without cease. Meteorologists were baffled by this, until they realized that the winds were actually caused by the simultaneous gales of laughter and sighs of relief from 400,000 people who just learned that Bjarni Bendiktsson was resigning from the position of finance minister after a decade of nepotism, scandals and quite astouding corruption. For a glorious moment, it seemed that there might actually be some measure of comeuppance for a man who, until now, had seemed bulletproof from any meaningful consequences to his actions. To those of us who had spent 6 weeks last summer protesting the illegal sale of Íslandsbanki, and demanding the resignation of the finance minister, for one brief shining moment it felt like victory. Unfortunately, as the saying goes “if you don’t like the weather in Iceland, just wait 5 minutes.” This proved to be all to pertinent as the winds seemed to shift again in favor of the finance minister. Yet again Bjarni Benediktsson showed that there is no lack shame or brazenness to which he will not stoop. The bottom of the barrel in fact can be scraped through. And scrape he did. Rather than take the hint and step out of the limelight quietly, taking the winnings from sale of Íslandsbanki with him, Bjarni decided that in fact there were still corrupt mountains left to conquer, and these particular peaks were overseas. Speaking as a British national, I have lived through my fair share of corrupt and inept politicians who ride the Ferris wheel of cabinet positions, jumping around from positions of unimaginable responsibility and power without the slightest iota of relevant knowledge or experience of their field. ….I lived through Boris Johnson. Healthcare, finance, education, foreign affairs. Qualifications? Doesn’t matter. As long as you toe the party line. And if you fail, we will just have a cabinet reshuffle and put you in charge of an entirely different aspect of public life! And around and around they go….where they stop, nobody knows. I am now saddened and angry to see that pattern repeating itself in Iceland, and in such a brazen way. Without any sort of approval from the public who they are ostensibly meant to serve, we are now stuck with a foreign minister whose only relevant experience of overseas work was when he was busy setting up offshore companies to avoid paying taxes. I worry that Iceland is slipping towards (and perhaps is already there) the sort of failed state of politics that I see when I look back at my native Britain, where lobbyists and corporate interests have long since seized the levers of power from the people, and as a result, the country has been chopped up and sold to the highest bidder. I worry what a man like Bjarni Benediktsson, who has made no secret of his desire to privatize every aspect of Icelandic society he can get his hands on, will do with the freedom of access to any world leader he desires to connect with. He could very quickly turn the country I love and call home into a global-scale yard sale. Everything must go. I have long since stopped asking if it wouldn’t make more sense to perhaps have a nurse in charge of healthcare, or a teacher in charge of education. Unfortunately that is nothing but a pipe-dream. I have lowered my sights a little now. Can we not just have a politician who did not illegally sell a bank to his father? It doesn’t seem much to ask. Perhaps I will ask Santa Claus. The author is a manufacturing worker.
Viljum við að erlendir milljarðamæringar setji einhliða leikreglurnar í almannarýminu okkar? Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir Skoðun
Skoðun Hafa fyrrum æskunnar eftirlætisbörn og nú ellinnar olnbogabörn fengið nóg? Gunnar Ármannsson skrifar
Skoðun Kennarar segja: „Nóg komið!“ – Verkfall fyrir virðingu og verðskulduð réttindi Jónas Sen skrifar
Skoðun Eru tengsl milli Úkraínustríðsins og breyttrar stöðu Grænlands? Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson skrifar
Skoðun Viljum við að erlendir milljarðamæringar setji einhliða leikreglurnar í almannarýminu okkar? Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir skrifar
Skoðun Friður eða svikalogn? Hilmari Þór Hilmarssyni, prófessor, svarað Andri Þorvarðarson skrifar
Skoðun Velferðartækni er það lykillinn að sjálfbærara heilbrigðiskerfi? Helga Dagný Sigurjónsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Hindrum fleiri græn gímöld með einföldun regluverks Ásta Logadóttir,Trausti Björgvinsson skrifar
Skoðun Vegna FB færslu Kristins Hrafnssonar: Misskilningur um endurgreiðslukerfi kvikmynda Ólafur William Hand skrifar
Viljum við að erlendir milljarðamæringar setji einhliða leikreglurnar í almannarýminu okkar? Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir Skoðun