What sort of country do we want to become? Ian McDonald skrifar 11. maí 2023 07:31 The Icelandic government has undergone a shift in priorities over the past few years. Not too long ago, the welfare and wellbeing of its people were seen as an utmost priority, and everything else existed in order to facilitate that wellbeing. Today, tourists and specifically the money they bring, are valued far more than the lives and livelihood of the people who call Iceland home, and furthermore those people now exist mostly to facilitate the wellbeing and comfort of those wealthy tourists. The government likes to claim that the vast amounts of money brought in by tourism will naturally trickle down and wash over the population, bringing prosperity to all it touches. This might be a reality in a fair and just system, or one where the biggest industries are not owned by a tiny handful of people and their families. In that reality, the riches only get concentrated in a few hands and then squirreled away offshore to avoid scrutiny from the tax office. The end result of this kind of a system is for Iceland to end up as a place just like Monaco. One which is hugely expensive, and where the vast majority of jobs are in the service industry, whose workers cannot even afford to live in the cities which they work, serving the rich who travel there. In these kind of places, the government does not care about high prices for food, housing or transportation because they know that the visiting tourists are happy to pay a premium for the privilege of visiting. Therefore there is no incentive to lower costs. Lower prices mean lower profits. Conversely, the workers are forced to pay these extortionate prices because they have no other choice. They are trapped in a system where they spend their entire paycheck just to survive. If the Icelandic government wants to live up to its well-polished, massaged image of equality and a high standard of living, which it likes to portray to the rest of the world, they must state clearly that the people who live here are prioritized more highly than tourist dollars, and to act accordingly. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The GDP of Iceland in 2022 was almost 7 percent, which equates to around 25 billion dollars. There is no reason for people to not be able to afford to survive. No excuses. The author is a member of Efling Union. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Kjaramál Kjaraviðræður 2022-23 Mest lesið Að kasta steinum úr glerhúsi Páll Steingrímsson Skoðun “Þú ert alltof of ung til að fá liðagigt” - Alþjóðlegur dagur liðagigtar Hrönn Stefánsdóttir Skoðun Frumkvöðlastarf Bata Akademíunnar - íslenska leiðin Ólafur Ágúst Hraundal Skoðun Vegna meintra „föðurlandssvika og siðferðisleysis“ Gunnars Magnússonar Geir Sveinsson Skoðun Er samþykki barna túlkunaratriði? Ólöf Tara Harðardóttir Skoðun Loðnustofninn hruninn Björn Ólafsson Skoðun Halldór 01.02.2025 Halldór Trump og forsetatilskipanir Helga Dögg Sverrisdóttir Skoðun Áróðursstríð Ingu Eydís Hörn Hermannsdóttir Skoðun Býður grunnskólakerfið upp á öfuga hvatastýringu fyrir kennara? Davíð Már Sigurðsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Óður til opinberra starfsmanna Halla Hrund Logadóttir skrifar Skoðun Frumkvöðlastarf Bata Akademíunnar - íslenska leiðin Ólafur Ágúst Hraundal skrifar Skoðun “Þú ert alltof of ung til að fá liðagigt” - Alþjóðlegur dagur liðagigtar Hrönn Stefánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Að kasta steinum úr glerhúsi Páll Steingrímsson skrifar Skoðun Býður grunnskólakerfið upp á öfuga hvatastýringu fyrir kennara? Davíð Már Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Vegna meintra „föðurlandssvika og siðferðisleysis“ Gunnars Magnússonar Geir Sveinsson skrifar Skoðun Er Ísland tilbúið fyrir gervigreindarbyltinguna? Sigvaldi Einarsson skrifar Skoðun Loðnustofninn hruninn Björn Ólafsson skrifar Skoðun Munum við upplifa enn eitt „mikla stökkið framávið“? Jason Steinþórsson skrifar Skoðun Starfa stjórnmálamenn ekki í þágu almennings?: Um „blaðamannablaður“ og „óvandaða falsfréttamiðla“ Sigríður Dögg Auðunsdóttir skrifar Skoðun HA ég Hr. ráðherra? Guðmundur Ingi Þóroddsson skrifar Skoðun Trump og forsetatilskipanir Helga Dögg Sverrisdóttir skrifar Skoðun Spörum með breyttri verðstefnu í lyfjamálum Ólafur Stephensen skrifar Skoðun Ómæld áhrif kjaradeilu kennara Anton Orri Dagsson skrifar Skoðun Hlutverk í fjölskyldum Matthildur Bjarnadóttir skrifar Skoðun Erfitt að treysta þegar upplifunin er að samfélagið forgangsraði ekki börnum Ragnheiður Stephensen skrifar Skoðun Janúarblús vinstristjórnarinnar Jens Garðar Helgason skrifar Skoðun Skipbrot meðaltalsstöðugleikaleiðarinnar Aðalgeir Ásvaldsson skrifar Skoðun Áróðursstríð Ingu Eydís Hörn Hermannsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Fyrir hvern vinnur þú? Sigurður Freyr Sigurðarson skrifar Skoðun Kostaboð Eydís Hörn Hermannsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Um kjaradeilu sveitarfélaga og kennara Inga Sigrún Atladóttir skrifar Skoðun Næring íþróttafólks: Þegar orkuna og kolvetnin skortir Birna Varðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvað næst RÚV? Hilmar Gunnlaugsson skrifar Skoðun Lífeyrissjóðir í sæng með kvótakóngum Björn Ólafsson skrifar Skoðun Glannalegt tal um gjaldþrot Ole Anton Bieltvedt skrifar Skoðun Bókvitið verður í askana látið! Árni Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Læknis- og sjúkraþjálfunarfræði fyrir alla Eiríkur Kúld Viktorsson skrifar Skoðun Hvernig er hægt að semja við samninganefnd sem hefur engan skilning á starfi stéttarinnar sem hún er að semja við? Ragnheiður Stephensen skrifar Skoðun Birtingarmynd fortíðar í nútímanum Ása Berglind Hjálmarsdóttir skrifar Sjá meira
The Icelandic government has undergone a shift in priorities over the past few years. Not too long ago, the welfare and wellbeing of its people were seen as an utmost priority, and everything else existed in order to facilitate that wellbeing. Today, tourists and specifically the money they bring, are valued far more than the lives and livelihood of the people who call Iceland home, and furthermore those people now exist mostly to facilitate the wellbeing and comfort of those wealthy tourists. The government likes to claim that the vast amounts of money brought in by tourism will naturally trickle down and wash over the population, bringing prosperity to all it touches. This might be a reality in a fair and just system, or one where the biggest industries are not owned by a tiny handful of people and their families. In that reality, the riches only get concentrated in a few hands and then squirreled away offshore to avoid scrutiny from the tax office. The end result of this kind of a system is for Iceland to end up as a place just like Monaco. One which is hugely expensive, and where the vast majority of jobs are in the service industry, whose workers cannot even afford to live in the cities which they work, serving the rich who travel there. In these kind of places, the government does not care about high prices for food, housing or transportation because they know that the visiting tourists are happy to pay a premium for the privilege of visiting. Therefore there is no incentive to lower costs. Lower prices mean lower profits. Conversely, the workers are forced to pay these extortionate prices because they have no other choice. They are trapped in a system where they spend their entire paycheck just to survive. If the Icelandic government wants to live up to its well-polished, massaged image of equality and a high standard of living, which it likes to portray to the rest of the world, they must state clearly that the people who live here are prioritized more highly than tourist dollars, and to act accordingly. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The GDP of Iceland in 2022 was almost 7 percent, which equates to around 25 billion dollars. There is no reason for people to not be able to afford to survive. No excuses. The author is a member of Efling Union.
“Þú ert alltof of ung til að fá liðagigt” - Alþjóðlegur dagur liðagigtar Hrönn Stefánsdóttir Skoðun
Skoðun “Þú ert alltof of ung til að fá liðagigt” - Alþjóðlegur dagur liðagigtar Hrönn Stefánsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Vegna meintra „föðurlandssvika og siðferðisleysis“ Gunnars Magnússonar Geir Sveinsson skrifar
Skoðun Starfa stjórnmálamenn ekki í þágu almennings?: Um „blaðamannablaður“ og „óvandaða falsfréttamiðla“ Sigríður Dögg Auðunsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Erfitt að treysta þegar upplifunin er að samfélagið forgangsraði ekki börnum Ragnheiður Stephensen skrifar
Skoðun Hvernig er hægt að semja við samninganefnd sem hefur engan skilning á starfi stéttarinnar sem hún er að semja við? Ragnheiður Stephensen skrifar
“Þú ert alltof of ung til að fá liðagigt” - Alþjóðlegur dagur liðagigtar Hrönn Stefánsdóttir Skoðun