
My Home, My Vote

Barbara Kristvinsson skrifar

It’s been 31 years since I moved to Iceland. Making a home here was not always easy but with time, dedication, and good friends I can now easily say Reykjavík is my home. Breiðholt is my neighborhood. It is where I first got involved in community affairs. Early on, while I was still learning Icelandic, I became active in the parent/teacher association at my children’s school.

Soon after that, myself and a few other immigrants founded an immigrant’s association. Together we advocated for increased information for immigrants regarding their rights and obligations in Iceland and increased the awareness of the need for both immigrants and Icelanders to work together towards a more inclusive society. 

One day, not long after Samfylking was founded, a friend invited me to go to a meeting with her. I was fascinated by the people, the discussion, and the projects that they had going on. I realized rather quickly that there is the potential for real change working within in a political party. I had a look around at other parties, but Samfylking was the one that aligned with my thoughts and vision of what direction Reykjavik needed to take. So, I got involved and have taken an active part in the grassroot activities of the party. 

Until now I never ran for a seat but now am in seat 41. I consider it an honor to be asked, to be recognized, but more importantly to have the opportunity to have an impact. Even though realistically I will not take a seat in Reykjavik City council, I am happy to continue working behind the scenes for a better Reykjavik.

I want Reykjavik to keep growing as a vibrant, diverse city which is full of opportunities for everyone. I want a city, not a sprawling spread of suburban communities, I want realistic, reliable, modern public transport, and I want to live in a city where equality reaches beyond gender and includes equality for all its residents.

Can I vote in the local elections?

Yes, just 3 years after you registered your domicile (lögheimili). Scandinavians immediately after that.

Höfundur er frambjóðandi Samfylkingarinnar í komandi borgarstjórnarkosningum. 




Emily Jaimes Richey-Stavrand,Johanna Franke,Laura Sólveig Lefort Scheefer skrifar

Sjá meira
