Reality TV live from Iceland: 24 hours of sheep giving birth! 14. maí 2015 19:49 Lambs are always popular among the young ones. Vísir/Pjetur Today you have the chance to watch a new kind of reality TV when the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, RÚV, will transmit live and non-stop for 24 hours from a sheep shed in North Iceland. The broadcast started at noon GMT May 14. Live broadcast here. As we are in the middle of the lambing season in Iceland you can expect to see, from the comfort of your own home, quite a few lambs being born into the world and taking their first tiny steps in the shed. The farm's name is Syðri-Hofdalir and it is located in Skagafjörður fjord in North Iceland. The broadcast will be available at and at RÚV's terrestrial TV channel number 2.Read more:The ewe Móra surprised her owner when she gave birth to five lambs last week News in English Mest lesið „Skóli barnanna er farinn, flestar verslanir og ég veit ekki hversu mörg hús“ Erlent Græna „gímaldið“ við Álfabakka: Hvernig gat þetta gerst? Innlent Högum þykir miður að byggingin valdi óþægindum Innlent Þjóðaröryggisráðgjafi Trumps: „Þetta snýst um sjaldgæfa málma, þetta snýst um auðlindir“ Erlent Titringur á Alþingi Innlent Eldar brenna stjórnlaust um alla Los Angeles Erlent Banna fjölmiðlum að nota full nöfn og myndir af hermönnum Erlent Átta stiga hiti um helgina og varað við asahláku Innlent Líklega búi meira að baki hugmyndum Trumps Innlent Skjalafals vegna inn- og útflutnings katta kært til lögreglu Innlent
Today you have the chance to watch a new kind of reality TV when the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, RÚV, will transmit live and non-stop for 24 hours from a sheep shed in North Iceland. The broadcast started at noon GMT May 14. Live broadcast here. As we are in the middle of the lambing season in Iceland you can expect to see, from the comfort of your own home, quite a few lambs being born into the world and taking their first tiny steps in the shed. The farm's name is Syðri-Hofdalir and it is located in Skagafjörður fjord in North Iceland. The broadcast will be available at and at RÚV's terrestrial TV channel number 2.Read more:The ewe Móra surprised her owner when she gave birth to five lambs last week
News in English Mest lesið „Skóli barnanna er farinn, flestar verslanir og ég veit ekki hversu mörg hús“ Erlent Græna „gímaldið“ við Álfabakka: Hvernig gat þetta gerst? Innlent Högum þykir miður að byggingin valdi óþægindum Innlent Þjóðaröryggisráðgjafi Trumps: „Þetta snýst um sjaldgæfa málma, þetta snýst um auðlindir“ Erlent Titringur á Alþingi Innlent Eldar brenna stjórnlaust um alla Los Angeles Erlent Banna fjölmiðlum að nota full nöfn og myndir af hermönnum Erlent Átta stiga hiti um helgina og varað við asahláku Innlent Líklega búi meira að baki hugmyndum Trumps Innlent Skjalafals vegna inn- og útflutnings katta kært til lögreglu Innlent