Here we go again: Icelanders expected to celebrate summer with snow By Kolbeinn Tumi Dadason 19. apríl 2015 21:33 Snow is expected in all parts of the country Thursday morning and during the day. Picture from Icelanders celebrate the First Day of Summer this Thursday. As seems to be so often the case there won't be much summer-esque on the annual public holiday. Snow of some sort is expected in all parts of the countries and the temperature will be around zero degrees Celsius. Icelanders can still find some cheering up in the fact that some sun is expected during the day.The First Day of Summer in Iceland is held on the first Thursday after the 18th of April. In former times, the Icelanders used the Old Norse calendar which divided the year into only two seasons, winter and summer. Although the climate in late April cannot be considered to be summer-like, after the long winter, Icelanders still celebrate this first day of "summer" with parades, sporting events and organized entertainment, held in various places around Iceland. News in English Mest lesið Keyptu ónýtt hús en fá ekki krónu vegna seinagangs Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Betsy Arakawa lést viku á undan Gene Hackman Erlent Kórfélagarnir sorgmæddir og „enginn hafði trú á því að þetta færi svona“ Innlent „Nei, hættu nú alveg Jóhann Páll!“ Innlent Nauðgunardómi snúið við: „Gæfi allt til að taka þetta til baka“ Innlent Upplifir lífið eins og stofufangelsi Innlent Óskiljanlegt að fá tæpa milljón fyrir rúman fund á mánuði Innlent Furðar sig á dómi Hæstaréttar og kallar eftir lagabreytingu Innlent Íbúar upplifa áform Skagafjarðar sem svik við samfélagið Innlent
Icelanders celebrate the First Day of Summer this Thursday. As seems to be so often the case there won't be much summer-esque on the annual public holiday. Snow of some sort is expected in all parts of the countries and the temperature will be around zero degrees Celsius. Icelanders can still find some cheering up in the fact that some sun is expected during the day.The First Day of Summer in Iceland is held on the first Thursday after the 18th of April. In former times, the Icelanders used the Old Norse calendar which divided the year into only two seasons, winter and summer. Although the climate in late April cannot be considered to be summer-like, after the long winter, Icelanders still celebrate this first day of "summer" with parades, sporting events and organized entertainment, held in various places around Iceland.
News in English Mest lesið Keyptu ónýtt hús en fá ekki krónu vegna seinagangs Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Betsy Arakawa lést viku á undan Gene Hackman Erlent Kórfélagarnir sorgmæddir og „enginn hafði trú á því að þetta færi svona“ Innlent „Nei, hættu nú alveg Jóhann Páll!“ Innlent Nauðgunardómi snúið við: „Gæfi allt til að taka þetta til baka“ Innlent Upplifir lífið eins og stofufangelsi Innlent Óskiljanlegt að fá tæpa milljón fyrir rúman fund á mánuði Innlent Furðar sig á dómi Hæstaréttar og kallar eftir lagabreytingu Innlent Íbúar upplifa áform Skagafjarðar sem svik við samfélagið Innlent