Furious winds batter Iceland: Photos and videos from Reykjavik By Atli Ísleifsson 14. mars 2015 17:13 Iceland‘s capital area was battered with heavy winds and flooding earlier today. The low pressure area brought winds of up to 50 meters per second, or 112 miles per hour. Hundreds of search and rescue volunteers, fire department and police assisted residents in the capital Reykjavik and the surrounding towns. A large number of trees have been uprooted. Floods in the river Varmá in Mosfellsbær caused great problems where police, search and rescue volunteers and workers from the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration have worked hard to assist people and minimize damage. The Icelandic Met Office stated all non-essential travel should be avoided and people were advised to remain indoors. Rising river levels were expected throughout the south of the country. Below you can see photos and videos from the storm and its repercussions.Mynd/MosfellingurFrom Mosfellsbær.Mynd/MosfellingurFrom Mosfellsbær.Mynd/MosfellingurReykjavík industrial harbour.Vísir/Sunna KarenVísir/Sunna KarenVísir/Sunna KarenOutside the Swedish embassy in Reykjavík.Vísir/Skat ÓlöfPost by Mosfellingur. Post by Mosfellingur. Post by Mosfellingur. Innlegg frá Inga Birna Erlingsdóttir. News in English Tengdar fréttir Former Kaupthing CEO jailed Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, former chief executive of Kaupthing bank, has begun serving his five and a half years prison sentence. 9. mars 2015 11:01 Jón Gnarr will not be running for president Jón says that he cannot let his family tolerate that. 14. mars 2015 09:55 The Pirate Party is now measured as the second biggest party in Iceland Would have 14 members of the Parliament out of 63. Not possible to form a two-party government without them. 13. mars 2015 14:44 Stuck in a plane for ten hours: Criticizes EasyJet It took Dóróthe Guðjónsdóttir ten hours to get home from France. 12. mars 2015 16:40 Violent storm warning IMO has issued warnings due to wind (southerly 20-30 m/s) with wind gusts exceeding 50 m/s. Intense rain and snow-melt is expected during the weekend. 13. mars 2015 16:54 Mest lesið Læknir ekki séð aðra eins áverka á þrjátíu ára starfsferli Innlent Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Íslendingar eigi eitt tromp gegn Trump Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Átta ungmenni handtekin í Seljahverfi Innlent Ömmur og afar Bryndísar Klöru: „Tími aðgerða þegar liðinn“ Innlent „Algjörlega brjálæðislegt að sjá“ Innlent Nauðgunardómi snúið við: „Gæfi allt til að taka þetta til baka“ Innlent Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir er látin Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent
Iceland‘s capital area was battered with heavy winds and flooding earlier today. The low pressure area brought winds of up to 50 meters per second, or 112 miles per hour. Hundreds of search and rescue volunteers, fire department and police assisted residents in the capital Reykjavik and the surrounding towns. A large number of trees have been uprooted. Floods in the river Varmá in Mosfellsbær caused great problems where police, search and rescue volunteers and workers from the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration have worked hard to assist people and minimize damage. The Icelandic Met Office stated all non-essential travel should be avoided and people were advised to remain indoors. Rising river levels were expected throughout the south of the country. Below you can see photos and videos from the storm and its repercussions.Mynd/MosfellingurFrom Mosfellsbær.Mynd/MosfellingurFrom Mosfellsbær.Mynd/MosfellingurReykjavík industrial harbour.Vísir/Sunna KarenVísir/Sunna KarenVísir/Sunna KarenOutside the Swedish embassy in Reykjavík.Vísir/Skat ÓlöfPost by Mosfellingur. Post by Mosfellingur. Post by Mosfellingur. Innlegg frá Inga Birna Erlingsdóttir.
News in English Tengdar fréttir Former Kaupthing CEO jailed Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, former chief executive of Kaupthing bank, has begun serving his five and a half years prison sentence. 9. mars 2015 11:01 Jón Gnarr will not be running for president Jón says that he cannot let his family tolerate that. 14. mars 2015 09:55 The Pirate Party is now measured as the second biggest party in Iceland Would have 14 members of the Parliament out of 63. Not possible to form a two-party government without them. 13. mars 2015 14:44 Stuck in a plane for ten hours: Criticizes EasyJet It took Dóróthe Guðjónsdóttir ten hours to get home from France. 12. mars 2015 16:40 Violent storm warning IMO has issued warnings due to wind (southerly 20-30 m/s) with wind gusts exceeding 50 m/s. Intense rain and snow-melt is expected during the weekend. 13. mars 2015 16:54 Mest lesið Læknir ekki séð aðra eins áverka á þrjátíu ára starfsferli Innlent Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Íslendingar eigi eitt tromp gegn Trump Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Átta ungmenni handtekin í Seljahverfi Innlent Ömmur og afar Bryndísar Klöru: „Tími aðgerða þegar liðinn“ Innlent „Algjörlega brjálæðislegt að sjá“ Innlent Nauðgunardómi snúið við: „Gæfi allt til að taka þetta til baka“ Innlent Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir er látin Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent
Former Kaupthing CEO jailed Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, former chief executive of Kaupthing bank, has begun serving his five and a half years prison sentence. 9. mars 2015 11:01
Jón Gnarr will not be running for president Jón says that he cannot let his family tolerate that. 14. mars 2015 09:55
The Pirate Party is now measured as the second biggest party in Iceland Would have 14 members of the Parliament out of 63. Not possible to form a two-party government without them. 13. mars 2015 14:44
Stuck in a plane for ten hours: Criticizes EasyJet It took Dóróthe Guðjónsdóttir ten hours to get home from France. 12. mars 2015 16:40
Violent storm warning IMO has issued warnings due to wind (southerly 20-30 m/s) with wind gusts exceeding 50 m/s. Intense rain and snow-melt is expected during the weekend. 13. mars 2015 16:54