Take a walk through Europe´s second largest glacier By Kolbeinn Tumi Dadason 17. febrúar 2015 11:28 The length of the tunnel will be 600 meters and reaching 200 meters into the glacier. Vísir An Icelandic company is taking a new step in offering a real Ice-experience for visitors of the country of fire, ice and midnight sun. Tunnels have been made into Langjökull, Iceland´s and Europe´s second largest glacier, where you can take a walk through and explore a glacier on the inside. Glacier tours in Iceland have been popular during the years but until now they have all been on the outside of the glacier.Langjökull is just west of the center of Iceland. It's the second largest glacier in Europe. Click the picture to enlarge.Mynd/Loftmyndir.is"There have been ups and downs during the build up but we've been able to climb every wall so far," explains Sigurdur Skarphedinsson head of Icecave - the company opening the doors to a formerly unseen world. A few different types of tours into the glacier are on offer ranging from a three hour bus trip to the location to a helicopter ride. The cheapest trip costing 17.900 ISK (135 USD) and the most expensive 537.500 ISK (4100 USD). The length of the tunnel will be 600 meters and reaching 200 meters into the glacier. Workers are expected to finish the tunnels in a weeks time. Skarphedinsson says he didn't expect many visitors the first year but he's already realizing a lot of interest."We mostly get inquiries from foreigners but Icelanders are also wakening up due to media coverage." When the machinery has been removed at the completion of the tunnel in a weeks time Skarphedinsson and his workers will start working on the aesthetic of the tunnels. A "In one place we're going to have a bit of fun with the ice and make columns into which we'll insert lighting,“ Skarphedinsson explains. During the making of the tunnel the workers came across two crevasses. Skarphedinsson insists that doesn't make any difference since the tunnels are at the lower end of the crevasses, about 25-30 metres beneeth the glacier surface. "People walking in the tunnel will be safe."The video below was taken Friday February 13th.Stefán Karlsson, a photographer with Frettabladid and Visir, took the pictures below on his visit to the glacier on February 13th.You can find a chapel and movie theater in the glacier.Vísir/Stefán News in English Tengdar fréttir Iceland jails former Kaupthing bank bosses Four former bosses from the Icelandic bank Kaupting have been sentenced to between four and five and a half years in prison in the Surpreme Court of Iceland. 12. febrúar 2015 16:15 Stunning timelapse of sudden weather change in Iceland Those who have visited Iceland over the years have no doubt heard the local saying: "If you don't like the weather, just wait fifteen minutes". 10. febrúar 2015 22:17 Meet María who represents Iceland in Eurovision 2015 21 year old country girl María Ólafsdóttir stunned the Icelandic nation with her performance of the song Unbroken in the qualifiers on Saturday and couldn't believe the results. 15. febrúar 2015 22:30 My opinion: Jón Gnarr - God does not exist I have been fascinated by the idea of God since I was a kid. 14. febrúar 2015 07:00 Mest lesið „Ábyrgðaleysi að lofa einhverju sem ekki er hægt að framkvæma samkvæmt lögum“ Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Flugstarfsemin skapi tvö til fjögur hundruð ný störf á ári næsta áratuginn Innlent Skólakerfið sé í vanda þegar ungmenni kunna ekki að beita rökum Innlent Með engu móti hægt að réttlæta launahækkun Heiðu Innlent Öflugur Hafnfirðingur á 525 filmuljósmyndavélar Innlent Óskiljanlegt að fá tæpa milljón fyrir rúman fund á mánuði Innlent Kórfélagarnir sorgmæddir og „enginn hafði trú á því að þetta færi svona“ Innlent Keyptu ónýtt hús en fá ekki krónu vegna seinagangs Innlent Fyrsti í fimmtán ár til að vera aflífaður með aftökusveit Erlent
An Icelandic company is taking a new step in offering a real Ice-experience for visitors of the country of fire, ice and midnight sun. Tunnels have been made into Langjökull, Iceland´s and Europe´s second largest glacier, where you can take a walk through and explore a glacier on the inside. Glacier tours in Iceland have been popular during the years but until now they have all been on the outside of the glacier.Langjökull is just west of the center of Iceland. It's the second largest glacier in Europe. Click the picture to enlarge.Mynd/Loftmyndir.is"There have been ups and downs during the build up but we've been able to climb every wall so far," explains Sigurdur Skarphedinsson head of Icecave - the company opening the doors to a formerly unseen world. A few different types of tours into the glacier are on offer ranging from a three hour bus trip to the location to a helicopter ride. The cheapest trip costing 17.900 ISK (135 USD) and the most expensive 537.500 ISK (4100 USD). The length of the tunnel will be 600 meters and reaching 200 meters into the glacier. Workers are expected to finish the tunnels in a weeks time. Skarphedinsson says he didn't expect many visitors the first year but he's already realizing a lot of interest."We mostly get inquiries from foreigners but Icelanders are also wakening up due to media coverage." When the machinery has been removed at the completion of the tunnel in a weeks time Skarphedinsson and his workers will start working on the aesthetic of the tunnels. A "In one place we're going to have a bit of fun with the ice and make columns into which we'll insert lighting,“ Skarphedinsson explains. During the making of the tunnel the workers came across two crevasses. Skarphedinsson insists that doesn't make any difference since the tunnels are at the lower end of the crevasses, about 25-30 metres beneeth the glacier surface. "People walking in the tunnel will be safe."The video below was taken Friday February 13th.Stefán Karlsson, a photographer with Frettabladid and Visir, took the pictures below on his visit to the glacier on February 13th.You can find a chapel and movie theater in the glacier.Vísir/Stefán
News in English Tengdar fréttir Iceland jails former Kaupthing bank bosses Four former bosses from the Icelandic bank Kaupting have been sentenced to between four and five and a half years in prison in the Surpreme Court of Iceland. 12. febrúar 2015 16:15 Stunning timelapse of sudden weather change in Iceland Those who have visited Iceland over the years have no doubt heard the local saying: "If you don't like the weather, just wait fifteen minutes". 10. febrúar 2015 22:17 Meet María who represents Iceland in Eurovision 2015 21 year old country girl María Ólafsdóttir stunned the Icelandic nation with her performance of the song Unbroken in the qualifiers on Saturday and couldn't believe the results. 15. febrúar 2015 22:30 My opinion: Jón Gnarr - God does not exist I have been fascinated by the idea of God since I was a kid. 14. febrúar 2015 07:00 Mest lesið „Ábyrgðaleysi að lofa einhverju sem ekki er hægt að framkvæma samkvæmt lögum“ Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Flugstarfsemin skapi tvö til fjögur hundruð ný störf á ári næsta áratuginn Innlent Skólakerfið sé í vanda þegar ungmenni kunna ekki að beita rökum Innlent Með engu móti hægt að réttlæta launahækkun Heiðu Innlent Öflugur Hafnfirðingur á 525 filmuljósmyndavélar Innlent Óskiljanlegt að fá tæpa milljón fyrir rúman fund á mánuði Innlent Kórfélagarnir sorgmæddir og „enginn hafði trú á því að þetta færi svona“ Innlent Keyptu ónýtt hús en fá ekki krónu vegna seinagangs Innlent Fyrsti í fimmtán ár til að vera aflífaður með aftökusveit Erlent
Iceland jails former Kaupthing bank bosses Four former bosses from the Icelandic bank Kaupting have been sentenced to between four and five and a half years in prison in the Surpreme Court of Iceland. 12. febrúar 2015 16:15
Stunning timelapse of sudden weather change in Iceland Those who have visited Iceland over the years have no doubt heard the local saying: "If you don't like the weather, just wait fifteen minutes". 10. febrúar 2015 22:17
Meet María who represents Iceland in Eurovision 2015 21 year old country girl María Ólafsdóttir stunned the Icelandic nation with her performance of the song Unbroken in the qualifiers on Saturday and couldn't believe the results. 15. febrúar 2015 22:30
My opinion: Jón Gnarr - God does not exist I have been fascinated by the idea of God since I was a kid. 14. febrúar 2015 07:00