Morrissey says meat is murder so Harpa is out By Birgir Olgeirsson 6. febrúar 2015 15:30 Morrissey says meat is murder. Getty/GVA „At this moment it's uncertain if the concert will take place,“ Halldór Kvaran at RR Ltd. says about the decision of the British musician to cancel his concert in Harpa - The concert and conference centre in Reykjavík. The issue is that meat meat is being served there. Nútíminn first reported this story here in Iceland last night, where a statement from the musician is quoted, published on the website of his fans called True to You. Halldór Kvaran had been negotiating with Morrissey on a concert in Harpa but it came to a halt because meat is being served in Harpa. "I understand that he does not play where meat is available and we are of course not able to control the content of the menu in Harpa. Therefore, Harpa is no longer an option and we are looking into other available places for us. It's as simple as that," Halldór says. Morrissey is know for his opposition to meat-eating but last year he said that he did not see any difference between child abuse and meat-eating when he answered questions on the previously mentioned page of his fans True To You. „This is like saying I would not play in some house if the electricity was generated through nuclear power. Therefore, Harpan is not an option in this case. We're looking into the possibility of finding something else or decide not to do this at all,“ Halldór at RR Ltd, a concert promoter here in Iceland for bands like Mettalica, Iron Maiden, Robbie Williams, Elton John, David Bowie and others. News in English Tengdar fréttir Asgeir sober on tour down under Icelandic singer Asgeiri did not drink any alcohol during his tour in Australia, but his tour was a great success. 5. febrúar 2015 00:15 Found her father after a five year search and her parents fell in love - again Bonnie Theophilus Colvin says it is an indescribable feeling to find a parent whom you have searched for for a long time; it is really like to find the second half of oneself. 28. janúar 2015 10:23 My opinion: Jón Gnarr - Violence or discussion? For a long time I have been an advocate for Reykjavík and all of Iceland taking more initiative when it comes to those so called matters of peace. 31. janúar 2015 07:00 Mest lesið Keyptu ónýtt hús en fá ekki krónu vegna seinagangs Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Betsy Arakawa lést viku á undan Gene Hackman Erlent Kórfélagarnir sorgmæddir og „enginn hafði trú á því að þetta færi svona“ Innlent „Nei, hættu nú alveg Jóhann Páll!“ Innlent Nauðgunardómi snúið við: „Gæfi allt til að taka þetta til baka“ Innlent Upplifir lífið eins og stofufangelsi Innlent Óskiljanlegt að fá tæpa milljón fyrir rúman fund á mánuði Innlent Furðar sig á dómi Hæstaréttar og kallar eftir lagabreytingu Innlent Íbúar upplifa áform Skagafjarðar sem svik við samfélagið Innlent
„At this moment it's uncertain if the concert will take place,“ Halldór Kvaran at RR Ltd. says about the decision of the British musician to cancel his concert in Harpa - The concert and conference centre in Reykjavík. The issue is that meat meat is being served there. Nútíminn first reported this story here in Iceland last night, where a statement from the musician is quoted, published on the website of his fans called True to You. Halldór Kvaran had been negotiating with Morrissey on a concert in Harpa but it came to a halt because meat is being served in Harpa. "I understand that he does not play where meat is available and we are of course not able to control the content of the menu in Harpa. Therefore, Harpa is no longer an option and we are looking into other available places for us. It's as simple as that," Halldór says. Morrissey is know for his opposition to meat-eating but last year he said that he did not see any difference between child abuse and meat-eating when he answered questions on the previously mentioned page of his fans True To You. „This is like saying I would not play in some house if the electricity was generated through nuclear power. Therefore, Harpan is not an option in this case. We're looking into the possibility of finding something else or decide not to do this at all,“ Halldór at RR Ltd, a concert promoter here in Iceland for bands like Mettalica, Iron Maiden, Robbie Williams, Elton John, David Bowie and others.
News in English Tengdar fréttir Asgeir sober on tour down under Icelandic singer Asgeiri did not drink any alcohol during his tour in Australia, but his tour was a great success. 5. febrúar 2015 00:15 Found her father after a five year search and her parents fell in love - again Bonnie Theophilus Colvin says it is an indescribable feeling to find a parent whom you have searched for for a long time; it is really like to find the second half of oneself. 28. janúar 2015 10:23 My opinion: Jón Gnarr - Violence or discussion? For a long time I have been an advocate for Reykjavík and all of Iceland taking more initiative when it comes to those so called matters of peace. 31. janúar 2015 07:00 Mest lesið Keyptu ónýtt hús en fá ekki krónu vegna seinagangs Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Betsy Arakawa lést viku á undan Gene Hackman Erlent Kórfélagarnir sorgmæddir og „enginn hafði trú á því að þetta færi svona“ Innlent „Nei, hættu nú alveg Jóhann Páll!“ Innlent Nauðgunardómi snúið við: „Gæfi allt til að taka þetta til baka“ Innlent Upplifir lífið eins og stofufangelsi Innlent Óskiljanlegt að fá tæpa milljón fyrir rúman fund á mánuði Innlent Furðar sig á dómi Hæstaréttar og kallar eftir lagabreytingu Innlent Íbúar upplifa áform Skagafjarðar sem svik við samfélagið Innlent
Asgeir sober on tour down under Icelandic singer Asgeiri did not drink any alcohol during his tour in Australia, but his tour was a great success. 5. febrúar 2015 00:15
Found her father after a five year search and her parents fell in love - again Bonnie Theophilus Colvin says it is an indescribable feeling to find a parent whom you have searched for for a long time; it is really like to find the second half of oneself. 28. janúar 2015 10:23
My opinion: Jón Gnarr - Violence or discussion? For a long time I have been an advocate for Reykjavík and all of Iceland taking more initiative when it comes to those so called matters of peace. 31. janúar 2015 07:00