Lost 100 pounds without even lifting a finger 16. janúar 2015 16:30 One selfie everey day. Vísir Eva Rut Gunnlaugsdóttir was 122 kilos in January last year when she felt that she had reached the bottom. A big challenge followed, intertwining another challenge that most of us took notice of on the internet. She took photos of herself every day. "After the New Year's comedy on TV last year, I put a selfieon Facebook and wrote "just a joke" at selfie no. 1.". Then I say that I'm going to do this everyday througout the year. This grew bigger and all of a sudden I had perhaps promised too much and said that I was definitely going to do this everyday." On January 22nd there were so many changes in the life of Eve when she changed her diet and removed certain food categories, that is wheat, sugar and starch. "I've always had trouble controlling my diet and have been immensely overweight since I was 18 years old. After I had my children almost seven years ago, I soon completely lost control of everything and put on quite a weight," Eva says, but she becomes 35 years old this year.Eve completely changed her diet in January 2014.Didn't have the energy to do anything with the children on weekends Eva was extremely hard working in the gym for one and a half year, but then something went wrong: "I just ate and put on weight again. In January, when I was "faking" all the happiness with "selfies", I reacheded the bottom and decided to do something radical in my affairs. I didn‘t have energy to do anything, I was too heavy, almost double the weight I was supposed to be, according the body mass index," Eva says. She has, among other things, not the energy to do something with her children at weekends. "If we did something at a weekend, then it usually entailed going to the children's care in Kringlan or Smáralind while I sat down in a café and was eating or we went to the cinema where it was possible to have popcorn and candy. It was like I didn't do anything unless I got to eat at the same time." "I think that I'm just an addict, I think that I can't control the other things." "For me, food was a drug. I never ate just one little chocolate piece, it was always something more, Eva says, adding: "The first two, three days were a bit difficult, but since then I've been so stable, floating around on a pink cloud." When she is asked how quickly she sensed any changes, she says: "The first few days all of the edema leaked out and I got more vigorous. I was more energetic and could easily get up in the morning. The mental recovery was so much that I thought I had already lost 60 kilos in February, even though it was still a long way to go. I felt better as all kinds of physical pain disappeared." The kilos disappeared and in 11 months and 10 days, she reached the 50 kilos limit and Eve plans to continue with this, one day at a time. "I think I'm just an addict, I think I can't control my former diet. Just like the alcoholic is unable to limit his drinking to Saturdays, it will get worse if I'm going to indulge myself a bit. The goblin, sitting on my shoulder, just keeps demanding more," Eva says. She adds that she is no longer anxious about going abroad, now she looks forward to it; it has been drepressing, wondering if she would fit into the chair aboard the airplaine or if she needed an extension to the seat bealt.Eva took pictures of herself every day where the change can clearly be seen.A bit painful to look at the the first photos The 365 photos clearly show how much different she looks, but how is it for Eve to look back and see the kilos go day by day? "It‘s a lot of fun. I'm really proud of myself but I didn't pay much attention to it while I was doing it. It was not until my girlfriend, who is a personal trainer, showed me a picture, one was taken in January and the other one in March and they showed me the difference. Then I thought to myself that it would be fun to do this if this continues." She said that it was even a bit painful to see the first photos and that she had allowed herself to do this to herself; that it has been painful to see how she didn't take good care of herself. Incredible though it may seem, Eva didn't exercise while she changed her diet, but that is the next step. "I just decided that in the year of 2014 the diet would be made better because I think that after all the result of the workout in the gym is 80%-90% depending on the diet. News in English Mest lesið Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Fleiri hundruð óbreyttra borgara drepnir Erlent Veita ókeypis aðstoð við gerð skattframtals Innlent „Ábyrgðaleysi að lofa einhverju sem ekki er hægt að framkvæma samkvæmt lögum“ Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Nýr formaður, orkuskortur og hugvíkkandi efni Innlent
Eva Rut Gunnlaugsdóttir was 122 kilos in January last year when she felt that she had reached the bottom. A big challenge followed, intertwining another challenge that most of us took notice of on the internet. She took photos of herself every day. "After the New Year's comedy on TV last year, I put a selfieon Facebook and wrote "just a joke" at selfie no. 1.". Then I say that I'm going to do this everyday througout the year. This grew bigger and all of a sudden I had perhaps promised too much and said that I was definitely going to do this everyday." On January 22nd there were so many changes in the life of Eve when she changed her diet and removed certain food categories, that is wheat, sugar and starch. "I've always had trouble controlling my diet and have been immensely overweight since I was 18 years old. After I had my children almost seven years ago, I soon completely lost control of everything and put on quite a weight," Eva says, but she becomes 35 years old this year.Eve completely changed her diet in January 2014.Didn't have the energy to do anything with the children on weekends Eva was extremely hard working in the gym for one and a half year, but then something went wrong: "I just ate and put on weight again. In January, when I was "faking" all the happiness with "selfies", I reacheded the bottom and decided to do something radical in my affairs. I didn‘t have energy to do anything, I was too heavy, almost double the weight I was supposed to be, according the body mass index," Eva says. She has, among other things, not the energy to do something with her children at weekends. "If we did something at a weekend, then it usually entailed going to the children's care in Kringlan or Smáralind while I sat down in a café and was eating or we went to the cinema where it was possible to have popcorn and candy. It was like I didn't do anything unless I got to eat at the same time." "I think that I'm just an addict, I think that I can't control the other things." "For me, food was a drug. I never ate just one little chocolate piece, it was always something more, Eva says, adding: "The first two, three days were a bit difficult, but since then I've been so stable, floating around on a pink cloud." When she is asked how quickly she sensed any changes, she says: "The first few days all of the edema leaked out and I got more vigorous. I was more energetic and could easily get up in the morning. The mental recovery was so much that I thought I had already lost 60 kilos in February, even though it was still a long way to go. I felt better as all kinds of physical pain disappeared." The kilos disappeared and in 11 months and 10 days, she reached the 50 kilos limit and Eve plans to continue with this, one day at a time. "I think I'm just an addict, I think I can't control my former diet. Just like the alcoholic is unable to limit his drinking to Saturdays, it will get worse if I'm going to indulge myself a bit. The goblin, sitting on my shoulder, just keeps demanding more," Eva says. She adds that she is no longer anxious about going abroad, now she looks forward to it; it has been drepressing, wondering if she would fit into the chair aboard the airplaine or if she needed an extension to the seat bealt.Eva took pictures of herself every day where the change can clearly be seen.A bit painful to look at the the first photos The 365 photos clearly show how much different she looks, but how is it for Eve to look back and see the kilos go day by day? "It‘s a lot of fun. I'm really proud of myself but I didn't pay much attention to it while I was doing it. It was not until my girlfriend, who is a personal trainer, showed me a picture, one was taken in January and the other one in March and they showed me the difference. Then I thought to myself that it would be fun to do this if this continues." She said that it was even a bit painful to see the first photos and that she had allowed herself to do this to herself; that it has been painful to see how she didn't take good care of herself. Incredible though it may seem, Eva didn't exercise while she changed her diet, but that is the next step. "I just decided that in the year of 2014 the diet would be made better because I think that after all the result of the workout in the gym is 80%-90% depending on the diet.
News in English Mest lesið Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Launin hækkuðu bara um fimmtíu prósent Innlent Bíll valt og endaði á hvolfi Innlent Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent Tvær þyrlur kallaðar út vegna alvarlegs umferðarslyss í Berufirði Innlent Fleiri hundruð óbreyttra borgara drepnir Erlent Veita ókeypis aðstoð við gerð skattframtals Innlent „Ábyrgðaleysi að lofa einhverju sem ekki er hægt að framkvæma samkvæmt lögum“ Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Nýr formaður, orkuskortur og hugvíkkandi efni Innlent