Sing Sling in Copenhagen 22. september 2006 11:18 Singapore Sling Today Friday, the Icelandic band Singapore Sling will perform in Loppen in Copenhagen. Singapore Sling plays guitar-laden drone rock that has received rave reviews in international music magazines. Singapore Sling have released three records, toured America, Britain and Europe, supported The Raveonettes, Brian Jonestown Massacre and Wedding Present in concert, but this is their first time ever in Denmark. Their music recalls a mixture of the late sixties-garage rock, such as the Seeds, Standells, Monks, Sonics, the proto-punk of The Velvet underground, Stooges and Suicide, and oh, Simon and Garfunkel. They will also play a gig at the new 12 tónar record store so drop by at six'o'clock in Fiolstræde 7, get a free drink or two, and examine an example of good rock'n'roll with real heart and soul. News News in English Mest lesið Quang Le sagður hafa tekið kauptilboði í Herkastalann Innlent Seðlabankastjórinn Carney verður forsætisráðherra Kanada Erlent Trump útilokar ekki samdrátt í kjölfar efnahagsaðgerða sinna Erlent Þörf á þolinmæði fyrir meðferð með hugvíkkandi efnum Innlent Óákveðið hvort Sunnutorg verði óbreytt eftir framkvæmdir Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent Ný tryggingavernd fyrir fólk sem flýr ofbeldissamband Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent 6,5 stiga skjálfti við Jan Mayen Erlent
Today Friday, the Icelandic band Singapore Sling will perform in Loppen in Copenhagen. Singapore Sling plays guitar-laden drone rock that has received rave reviews in international music magazines. Singapore Sling have released three records, toured America, Britain and Europe, supported The Raveonettes, Brian Jonestown Massacre and Wedding Present in concert, but this is their first time ever in Denmark. Their music recalls a mixture of the late sixties-garage rock, such as the Seeds, Standells, Monks, Sonics, the proto-punk of The Velvet underground, Stooges and Suicide, and oh, Simon and Garfunkel. They will also play a gig at the new 12 tónar record store so drop by at six'o'clock in Fiolstræde 7, get a free drink or two, and examine an example of good rock'n'roll with real heart and soul.
News News in English Mest lesið Quang Le sagður hafa tekið kauptilboði í Herkastalann Innlent Seðlabankastjórinn Carney verður forsætisráðherra Kanada Erlent Trump útilokar ekki samdrátt í kjölfar efnahagsaðgerða sinna Erlent Þörf á þolinmæði fyrir meðferð með hugvíkkandi efnum Innlent Óákveðið hvort Sunnutorg verði óbreytt eftir framkvæmdir Innlent Utanríkisráðherra Bandaríkjanna segir Póllandi að segja takk Erlent Þrjú banaslys á fjórum dögum Innlent Ný tryggingavernd fyrir fólk sem flýr ofbeldissamband Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent 6,5 stiga skjálfti við Jan Mayen Erlent