Reykjavík makes Art Review cover 2. júní 2006 12:18 Art review - The latest issue of international magazine Art Review features a cover article on the Reykjavik art scene. The article covers artists such as Finnbogi Pétursson, Ragnar Kjartansson, Sigurður Guðjónsson and the Icelandic Love Corporation, the latter gracing the magazine's cover. Special mention is made of sound-artist Pétursson's work Frequency situated at the Vatnsfellsvirkjun dam. His works are also currently being exhibited at gallery i8 and he also has installations at the old water tanks, Háteigsvegur, 105 Reykjavik. Art Review talks about the 10 year anniversary of the Icelandic Love Corporation - a trio of three female artists and their retrospective exhibition at the Reykjavík Art Museum, Harbour House which is about to open. They will also hold a private exhibition at the Gebauer gallery in Berlin later this summer. Art Review is a renowned monthly international art magazine first published in 1940. It features art news, artists and exhibitions from around the world as well as articles on photography, design, film, literature and design. - amb Arts and culture News News in English Mest lesið Vaktin: Totur farnar að teygja sig til norðurs Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Sigmundur hafi viljað í kennslustund með nemendum Innlent Eldri maður á gamalli Corollu ógnaði ekki lífi hjóna á nýjum Ram Innlent Telur Bláa lónið öruggt vegna varnargarðanna Innlent Sigmundi vísað úr VMA eftir að hann krotaði á varning annarra flokka Innlent Samfylkingin bætir við sig í fyrsta sinn síðan í maí og Píratar úti Innlent „Þetta var bara besta stund kosningabaráttunnar til þessa“ Innlent „Ég ætla ekki að vera föst á þessum Klausturbar“ Innlent Segir komið fram við sig eins og glæpamann fyrir að vilja vera heima í Grindavík Innlent
The latest issue of international magazine Art Review features a cover article on the Reykjavik art scene. The article covers artists such as Finnbogi Pétursson, Ragnar Kjartansson, Sigurður Guðjónsson and the Icelandic Love Corporation, the latter gracing the magazine's cover. Special mention is made of sound-artist Pétursson's work Frequency situated at the Vatnsfellsvirkjun dam. His works are also currently being exhibited at gallery i8 and he also has installations at the old water tanks, Háteigsvegur, 105 Reykjavik. Art Review talks about the 10 year anniversary of the Icelandic Love Corporation - a trio of three female artists and their retrospective exhibition at the Reykjavík Art Museum, Harbour House which is about to open. They will also hold a private exhibition at the Gebauer gallery in Berlin later this summer. Art Review is a renowned monthly international art magazine first published in 1940. It features art news, artists and exhibitions from around the world as well as articles on photography, design, film, literature and design. - amb
Arts and culture News News in English Mest lesið Vaktin: Totur farnar að teygja sig til norðurs Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Sigmundur hafi viljað í kennslustund með nemendum Innlent Eldri maður á gamalli Corollu ógnaði ekki lífi hjóna á nýjum Ram Innlent Telur Bláa lónið öruggt vegna varnargarðanna Innlent Sigmundi vísað úr VMA eftir að hann krotaði á varning annarra flokka Innlent Samfylkingin bætir við sig í fyrsta sinn síðan í maí og Píratar úti Innlent „Þetta var bara besta stund kosningabaráttunnar til þessa“ Innlent „Ég ætla ekki að vera föst á þessum Klausturbar“ Innlent Segir komið fram við sig eins og glæpamann fyrir að vilja vera heima í Grindavík Innlent